Monday, February 16, 2009

Southern Honduras

The border region of Honduras and El Salvador is gorgeous. It's mountainous and very dry. A lot of small, poor farming communities. A lot of beautiful scenery. It's the dry season right now and water is a really big problem. We had to buy purified water (which comes in these small bags) and bring it with us to the village. The locals drink the bagged water and use water they purify with chlorine to wash with. They boil any water for cooking. Part of Fundacion Simiente's work is to build wells so that people can have more water. They're also working on irrigation projects that will allow people to farm during the dry season. We visited a small farm that had irrigation and the farmer was able to grow chili peppers, green peppers, mangos, bananas, cashews and coconuts. He keeps some of the crops to feed his family and sells the rest at the local market. The irrigation system has allowed him to keep farming, and keep making money, during the dry season.

This is a typical house from the community we stayed in. Cement floor, one or two rooms, outdoor sink and bathroom. 

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