Saturday, March 7, 2009


For the most part, postres here aren't that different from desserts back home. Here's what I've had so far, including a few local specialties.

Flan is everywhere. And it's delicious. This is the cocoa flan at Cafe Welchez, one of my favorite coffee spots in Copan. They also have a traditional flan that they serve with coconut and honey sprinkled on top.

The best dessert I've had so far was at Tim and Gloria's house. Bananos ingloria. Bananas peeled, sliced in half and baked in a pan with milk and cinnamon until they're just a little mushy. Definitely worthy of their name. Along those same lines, I've eaten a ton of fried plantains for dessert at the house in Copan.

I bought this carrot cake yesterday for Lisseth and Helmy, sort of as a thank you. (Yesterday was my last night at the house). We had it after dinner. Just a regular carrot cake, but it was really good. Carrot cake is pretty popular here; all of the cafes serve it.

When I was in the rural South, I had homemade Honduran donuts, although I'm pretty sure that's not what they're called. The dough was made from fresh ground yucca and white corn with a little bit of water. Shaped into fist-sizes donuts. Dunked in hot oil and then something called dulce, which tastes like molasses and brown sugar. Amazing.

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