So apparently liberation theology is still controversial. Last week, the Wheelers hosted a meeting of the Honduran Presbytery at their retreat space, Villa Gracia. A few American Presbyterians, too. I got to sit in on some of the conversations as the token atheist. Pretty interesting. One of the Honduran pastors condemned liberation theology as communism. A lot of them weren't interested in using the Church as in instrument for social change. Not separation of Church and State, but separation of Church and social activism. The Americans seemed to be a lot more interested in getting involved in community development.
I remember walking through some of the stations of the cross in Nueva San Ysidro. The people there read from the Bible, and also from a book that related scripture, poverty, food sovereignty and human rights. I'm pretty sure they weren't communists. Just an impoverished group of spiritual people working hard to change their situation. Liberation theology.
what exactly is liberation theology?