Friday, April 3, 2009

La clinica

So we set up the clinic in the front building of the school. (The local kids were very excited about this. No school for a week). Different neighboring villages were assigned different days to come to Las Mercedes and visit the clinic. Most villages hired a truck. Some walked. One woman and her children walked 1.5 hours. 

The Duke professor and doctor who runs the trip handled the door. He asked each person for their basics (village, name, age, symptoms) and filled out a small form. Then he escorted each family to a group of med students who used the forms to start the exam. 

1 comment:

  1. Lena! Love your blog! How are you? Home? Headed home soon? I think of you often - wondering how you are...I turned in my 'journal' with your email in it, I will write when I have it. Hope you are well...Shannon
